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Academy of Second Language Learning
Academy Education Licensor, Inc. has created the very best educational materials for second language students all across the United States. Here are course materials for one hundred twenty four classroom courses in Spanish, French, German, Russian, Italian, and Arabic...including audio recordings and over 700 flash cards in each language. Each curriculum, text/work book, and audio recording are perfectly synchronized for each course.The need for second language proficiency has never been greater...and that need intensifies continually! Junior high schools and senior high schools all across the United States have cut back and eliminated second language instruction dramatically due to budget cuts. Many schools do not offer Italian, French, German, or Russian instruction for their students. There are an estimated 30-40 million Spanish-speakers in the USA right now who continually seek businesses and service providers with Spanish-speaking staffs in order to secure necessary products and services. A language barrier must never be a barrier to service! The USA is the epicenter of the global economy and participants need multi-lingual skills to enter, succeed, and thrive. Look at all of the educational materials for The Academy's second language courses. Think of the benefits to students that these educational materials in your schools could provide!
Contact Information: Academy Education Licensor, Inc. P.O. Box 20654 Mesa, AZ 85277 info@academyeducationlicensor.org (602) 799-0950 Corporate Office Copyright © Academy Education Licensor, Inc. |