Academy Quick Facts
Did you know?The detailed Licensee Candidate Questionnaire allows us to learn about you early in the Licensee selection process. |
Licensing Agreements
THE LICENSING PROCESS AT THE ACADEMY We have streamlined the Licensing Process for our USA Licensee Candidates. The Licensing Process below can be completed in about two weeks.
All Licensee Candidates are responsible for their own travel, lodging, transportation, and meal expenses when visiting Academy Education Licensor, Inc. in Arizona. The Academy seeks professional Licensees who have a passion for first class classroom instruction and a true sense of urgency about moving forward in the host county. To follow is The Academy's Licensee Candidate Questionnaire. Please take the time to complete this very important document in full and submit it as soon as possible as instructed. Our website provides you with a wealth of information about The Academy's Licensing Program. In turn, The Academy needs information about you for a well-balanced evaluation process. We do not request any financial information from any Candidate. We merely request other very important information. Always feel perfectly free to contact us by e-mail to ask questions, including about Questionnaire completion, submission, and evaluation. All of your information will be retained in a secure file and will be held in the strictest confidence.
Contact Information: Academy Education Licensor, Inc. P.O. Box 20654 Mesa, AZ 85277 info@academyeducationlicensor.org (602) 799-0950 Corporate Office Copyright © Academy Education Licensor, Inc. |