English For Everyone!
The Academy has English language courses for everyone in the United States. Everyone? Everyone!
ESL: 60 million people residing in the United States today do not communicate in English. The Academy has the courses to accommodate the English language proficiency learning needs of every single person in this category.
Illiteracy: Between 32 million and 42 million Americans are deemed to be illiterate. The Academy's ALP Program has the specialized courses to eliminate illiteracy all across the United States: 100%. Every illiterate person in the United States can become literate through courses at The Academy.
College-Bound Students: High school students on their way to college need to develop and hone their English language skills, especially to include writing skills, before engaging the rigors of college-level study. The Academy provides the courses to fully prepare every college-bound student for the demands of the college or university to which he or she is headed.
Workforce-Ready Students: The business world is extraordinarily competitive, so every high school student who is career-ready and transitioning into the workforce needs the best possible English language skills upon graduation. Income levels and positions secured can be directly linked to English language proficiency levels. The Academy has all of the courses to prepare students for the American workforce.
Businesspersons: All businesspersons in the United States need excellent English language skills in order to secure and keep positions and to be positioned for promotions. The Academy offers an extensive array of writing skills courses that can help the job candidate to secure the sought-after position and then acquire promotion after promotion into the highest levels of management.
Elementary School Students: Every elementary school student in the United States deserves the best possible start in the journey to learn English. Accordingly, The Academy has created fully illustrated English language courses that provide an exceptional beginning toward English language mastery for every elementary school student.
Junior and Senior High School Students: No one questions the need for graduating seniors to be English language proficient to the highest possible level on the day of graduation. But such English language proficiency does not begin in the 12th grade. It begins in 7th grade and continues for the next six years, culminating in the requisite result on graduation day. The Academy's After School series of English language courses delivers extreme English language proficiency to the graduating senior through years of necessary preparation.
Professionals: Every professional field of endeavor without exception in the United States demands and requires the highest possible level of English language skills. Requirements to enter study for these professional fields, to enter these professional fields, and to remain in these professional fields always include superior English language communication skills. The Academy has developed English courses for many professional fields, and that number of courses grows annually to accommodate the needs of everyone at this level.
Yes! The Academy has English for Everyone!
Contact Information:
Academy Education Licensor, Inc.
P.O. Box 20654
Mesa, AZ 85277
(602) 799-0950 Corporate Office
Copyright © Academy Education Licensor, Inc.
Academy Education Licensor, Inc.
P.O. Box 20654
Mesa, AZ 85277
(602) 799-0950 Corporate Office
Copyright © Academy Education Licensor, Inc.