Academy of Private Investigation and Loss Prevention
Course List:
Advanced Course of Instruction
A course developed for Students completing the Core Course as well as current practitioners. Covers fascinating germane topics that all Private Investigators and Loss Prevention Professionals need to study. Two (2) textbooks accompany this course with 100 hours of instruction.
Arson Investigation Course
A course developed to provide all investigators with a detailed working knowledge and understanding of the prolific crime of arson, the investigation of the act, and the prevention of this crime on specific properties. State-of-the-art developments are studied. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Casino Security Course
A course developed to provide a detailed education in casino operations, gaming, and games as well as requisite investigative skills and loss prevention techniques. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Core Course of Instruction
A course developed specifically for entry level Private Investigators and Loss prevention Professionals. It teaches Students the basics of Investigation and skills required to secure employment. Six (6) textbooks accompany this course with 160 hours of instruction.
Digital Forensics Investigation Course
A course developed for advanced Students who have previously studied several of the more advanced and specialized courses here at The Academy. We live in a thoroughly digital world that affects us in virtually all elements of life, including criminal acts, activities, and enterprises. Digital forensics is cutting edge investigative material that crosses into arson, homicide, accounting fraud, terrorism, and virtually all other crimes in some manner and to some degree, including the multitude of crimes involving our children. This course covers computer hard drives, auxiliary memory devices, emerging digital technology, encryption, data hiding, and even cellular telephones. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Document Examination Course
A course developed for advanced Private Investigators and Loss Prevention Professionals that explores all facets of a quickly expanding professional specialty that in businesses across the USA is in enormous demand. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Forensic Accounting Investigation Course
A course developed for advanced Private Investigators and Loss Prevention Professionals that details accepted accounting procedures and goes on to examine the methods by which investigators successfully detect and investigate fraud, money laundering and other financial crimes. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Forensic Science Course
A course developed for advanced Private Investigators and Loss Prevention Professionals that details several key areas of forensic science relative to investigative activities of these professionals. Examines areas including fingerprints, toxicology, DNA, autopsy, and field forensic science. This course is one that must be taken by all private sector investigators. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
High School Senior Course
A course developed for graduating high school seniors who are either college bound or career ready. It is geared toward retail loss prevention and is written for this level of Student. Two (2) textbooks accompany this course with 64 hours of instruction.
Homicide Investigation Course
A course developed for advanced Private Investigators and Loss Prevention Professionals that discusses the phenomenon of homicide in the USA as well as the investigative techniques used to solve these crimes that occur with frequency on every street across the USA and with greater frequency every year in the workplace. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
HR For LP Course
A course developed for both Private Investigators and Loss Prevention Professionals that details all facets of the profession of human resources and cements the requisite relationship with Human Resources Professionals. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Missing Child! Course
A course developed for all Private Investigators and Loss Prevention Professionals that details the events surrounding an epidemic that plagues the entire USA, the missing child (runaway children and abducted children). The course details all required information to conduct a missing child investigation. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Polygraph Examination Course
A course developed to hone to peak performance the investigative skills of the Student as well as introduce the polygraph and teach its requisite operational techniques, possibilities, and parameters. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Professional Writing Skills For The Investigator Course
A course developed to illuminate the absolute necessity for every investigator to hone writing skills to their maximum level and to provide investigators with the requisite information to approach perfection in their written work product in total. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 32 hours of instruction.
Retail Loss Prevention Professional's Spanish Language Course
A course developed to help solve the glaring language barrier issues of investigator safety and investigation success. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 24 hours of instruction.
Risk Management Course
A course developed for Private Investigators and Loss Prevention Professionals that examines all facets of today's risk management program and stresses the importance of managing all risk on properties. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
State Licensure Examination Course
A course developed to provide Students in states that require examination prior to licensure with a firm knowledge foundation to take and pass the state's Private Investigator's examination. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Terrorism In The USA Course
A course developed for Private Investigators, Loss Prevention Professionals, and Security Agents that details the state of protection and preparedness of the private sector against the most insidious of threats, the methods of prevention that must be adopted by the private sector, and the requisite aftermath planning that must now take place. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Ultra High Technology Investigative Resources Course
A course developed for investigators and supervisors who seek success in this exceptional investigative field using the most advanced, state-of-the-art technology available. Two (2) textbooks accompany this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Vehicle Accident Investigation Course
A course developed to provide instruction for private sector investigators (Private Investigators, Loss Prevention Professionals, Security Professionals, and Risk Managers) plus Fleet Managers and Fleet Safety Managers regarding all aspects of vehicle accident investigation, with particular emphasis on fraudulent vehicle accident schemes. Business loss related to vehicle accidents is extreme, and liability can be stratospheric. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 40 hours of instruction.
Virtual Courtroom Course
A course developed to provide detailed and extensive knowledge about the mechanics and techniques utilized to develop professional presentations in today's modern virtual courtroom. One (1) textbook accompanies this course with 60 hours of instruction.
Contact Information: Academy Education Licensor, Inc. P.O. Box 20654 Mesa, AZ 85277 info@academyeducationlicensor.org (602) 799-0950 Corporate Office Copyright © Academy Education Licensor, Inc. |